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A development team is starting a new AEM project that is going to integrate with the Adobe Commerce platform. The developer needs to create a new AEM project using the Maven command line interface.
How can the 'mvn -B archetype:generate' command help the developer with the integration between AEM and Adobe Commerce?
Answer: B
The includeCommerce property is a boolean flag that indicates whether to include Commerce Core Components in the project or not. If set to y, the command will generate a commerce module that contains specific Commerce Core Components and their dependencies. These components can be used to integrate AEM with Adobe Commerce platform or other commerce solutions. References:
A new component called Page Headline needs to be implemented. The only difference to the title component delivered by Adobe's WCM core components is that the text needs to be taken from the current page title instead of jcr.title.
How should a developer implement this request?
1. Create custom component
2. Implement Sling Modal as follows
1. Create proxy component from the core title component
2. Implement sling Model as follows
1. Create proxy component from the core title component
2. Implement Sling Model as follows
Answer: B
To implement a new component called "Page Headline" which takes the text from the current page title instead of jcr:title, you should create a proxy component from the core title component and implement a Sling Model accordingly. Option C demonstrates the correct approach to achieve this functionality.
Here is a detailed explanation of Option C:
* Create Proxy Component:
* Create a new component in your project that will act as a proxy to the core title component. This involves creating a new component node in the repository that inherits from the core title component.
* Example path: /apps/myproject/components/pageHeadline with sling:resourceSuperType set to core/wcm/components/title/v2/title.
* Implement Sling Model:
* Implement a Sling Model that adapts from SlingHttpServletRequest and Title.class, ensuring it
* overrides the text fetching logic to retrieve the title from the current page's title.
* The model will use @ScriptVariable to inject the current page and @Self to access the core title component's logic.
@Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class, adapters = Title.class, resourceType =
public class PageHeadline implements Title {
private Page currentPage;
@Self @Via(type = ResourceSuperType.class)
private Title title;
public String getText() {
return currentPage.getTitle();
public String getType() {
return title.getType();
* @Model Annotation: Specifies that this class is a Sling Model and adapts from SlingHttpServletRequest. It is also an adapter for Title.class and applies to the myproject/components/pageHeadline resource type.
* @ScriptVariable: Injects the current Page object, which allows access to the current page's properties.
* @Self @Via(type = ResourceSuperType.class): Injects the core title component, allowing the reuse of existing logic.
* getText() Method: Overrides the getText() method to return the title from the current page instead of the jcr:title.
* getType() Method: Delegates to the core title component's getType() method to maintain existing functionality.
This approach leverages the power of Sling Models and the core components to extend functionality while keeping the implementation clean and maintainable.
* Adobe Experience Manager - Core Components
* Sling Models Documentation
In an AEM as a Cloud Service environment, which repository areas are considered as immutable?
Answer: B
In AEM as a Cloud Service environment, the repository areas /apps and /libs are considered as immutable, meaning that they cannot be modified at runtime by any means. These areas contain application code and configuration that are deployed via Cloud Manager and are read-only for security and performance reasons.
Any changes to these areas require a new deployment via Cloud Manager. References:
AMS recommends a learn to upgrade AEM servers with In-place Upgrade because the existing version has reached EOL What are two disadvantages of performing an In-place Upgrade to the latest version of AEM? (Select two.)
Answer: A,C
When performing an in-place upgrade to the latest version of AEM, there are several potential disadvantages to consider:
* Long and Arduous Process:
* The complexity and duration of the upgrade process can be significant, especially if there is a considerable version difference between the old and new AEM instances. This is because the upgrade process must account for all the changes and improvements made over multiple versions, including content structures, APIs, and underlying technologies.
* References:AEM Upgrade Best Practices
* Complex Developer Setup and Automation:
* Upgrading AEM involves setting up and configuring the environment, updating custom code, and ensuring that all integrations work seamlessly. Automating these tasks can be complex and time-consuming, requiring significant developer effort to script and validate the upgrade process.
* References:Automating AEM Upgrades
These disadvantages highlight the potential challenges and resource investments needed for an in-place upgrade.
An AEM application wants to set up multi-tenancy using Adobe-recommended best practices and bind multiple configurations to it. Which of the following options is recommended?
Answer: A
The @Component(service = ConfigurationFactory.class) @Designate(ocd =
ConfigurationFactorylmpl.Config.class,factory=true) option is recommended for creating a multi-tenancy configuration and binding multiple configurations to it. This option uses the OSGi R6 annotations to define a component that provides a service of type ConfigurationFactory and designates a class that contains the configuration properties. The factory=true attribute indicates that multiple configurations can be created for this component.
If you want to pass the AD0-E134 exam then you have to put in some extra effort, time, and investment then you will be confident to pass the Adobe Experience Manager Developer Exam (AD0-E134) exam. With the complete and comprehensive Adobe AD0-E134 Exam Dumps preparation you can pass the Adobe Experience Manager Developer Exam (AD0-E134) exam with good scores. The Adobe AD0-E134 Questions can be helpful in this regard. You must try this.
AD0-E134 PDF Guide: https://www.practicedump.com/AD0-E134_actualtests.html
P.S. Free 2025 Adobe AD0-E134 dumps are available on Google Drive shared by PracticeDump: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1X3jN9Zd0bWPDeG5Q6mfzaU7IC5JVTena
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